V.Beauty Affinity HulkBody Green Juice for Hair Growth is not just an ordinary green juice. Our green juice product promotes and stimulates hair growth as well as reverse various maladies within the body. There are 11 powerful ingredients combined, tried and tested that provides the body with phytonutrients and minerals to grow and strengthen hair, brighten and clear skin, strengthen nails, improves cognition, increase focus, builds the immune system, heighten clarity, soothes cramps, eliminates waste, boost energy and so much more.
Recommended Use
V.Beauty Affinity HulkBody Green Juice should be kept in a refigerator before and after opening product. For longevity of product life, place V.Beauty Affinity HulkBody Green Juice in a freezer until ready to consume. Refer to V.Beauty Affinity HulkBody Green Juice ebook for topical hair treatment and recipes.